Monday, 20 May 2013

Letter fun

We have been learning our letter sounds in Room 4. A really fun part of this is making the letters with our whole bodies! It can be a bit tricky some times to work out how to make the letter, but we keep trying, and are getting better at working this out (some letters are easier than others!)

A small 'a' - a round part with a straight line
The capital A was much easier!
Making a 't'
We all made our own body 't'
Can you guess what letter this is?


  1. Hi Room 4

    Wow! I love your "Body letters". This certainly does look tricky. Which one is the easiest at the moment?

    Mrs Paton

  2. To Room 4,
    You make learning letters and their sounds look like heaps of fun!
    Is the last one an 'I' a lower case I with the dot at the top and a capital letter I?
    From Mrs Head

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It was just a little i - Toby

  3. Hi room 4 I really like your letters when you made it with your own body.
    Do you know how to make a different letter like a y z x k.

    From Briian in room 8
