Friday 31 May 2013

Working with Room 8 - newspaper garments

In preparation for our Trash to Wow exhibition, we used some newspaper to make clothing. It was lots of fun, and we needed to make sure we were working together as a team and using our listening ears (to hear everyone's different ideas).

Well done Room 4 and Room 8, you guys did a great job!

10's frames

We have been working really hard getting to know the 10's frames. Here we are putting on the correct number of counters needed... Room 4 is getting good at this :)

17th of May - trip to the Museum

We were SO excited about our first trip! We went to museum to look at the World of Wearable Art display, which was really cool. Then we set about making a head piece out of paper (thank you to the mums, dads and nanny who helped us with our creations)
Going through the museum
                                                          All our wonderful hat creations...

Monday 20 May 2013

Letter fun

We have been learning our letter sounds in Room 4. A really fun part of this is making the letters with our whole bodies! It can be a bit tricky some times to work out how to make the letter, but we keep trying, and are getting better at working this out (some letters are easier than others!)

A small 'a' - a round part with a straight line
The capital A was much easier!
Making a 't'
We all made our own body 't'
Can you guess what letter this is?